Four Pictures Kristin Blog Banner

Are you ready for a SHIFT?

How to get out of your head and into your heart.

How to get out of your head and into your heart.

  3 Steps to Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart Step 1. Breathe and Let Go - Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and release all the tension within you. Let go of any worries, doubts, or negative thoughts. Allow yourself to be fully present in this moment....

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It’s been a crazy 10 days. A week of practicum, getting deep down into the truth of who I really am, followed up by my long awaited graduation and the chaos of coordinating family to share in my celebration. I’m feeling sick. I wonder – is it illness...

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So often we accomplish something that is out of our comfort zone and instead of acknowledging ourselves for it, we point out the negatives about how we could have done it better. Allot of this has to do with how we speak to ourselves on a regular basis – is it loving...

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Letting Go and Letting God

Letting Go and Letting God

Letting Go and Letting God Letting Go and Letting God has been my mantra for as long as I can remember and it has never had more meaning to me than it does right now. What does it mean to “Let go and let God“? How do you define “let go” or “let God”? And how on earth...

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Happy Mother’s Day, care for a pillow fight?

Happy Mother’s Day, care for a pillow fight?

Happy Mother’s Day, care for a pillow fight? Today’s the day we celebrate our mothers and we celebrate ourselves as mothers as well. This is one of my favorite days of the year because it’s time I get to spend with my family doing what I want to do. With my mom out of...

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Are you being gentle with yourself?

Are you being gentle with yourself?

Are you being gentle with yourself? Being gentle with Our Self isn’t something that comes easily to most people. Almost naturally, we tend to find fault in ourselves instead of seeing the good in what we do throughout the day – it’s just human nature. What if we could...

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Taking Responsibility for my Suffering

Taking Responsibility for my Suffering

I am responsible for my own suffering…damn that’s hard for this wanna be victim. I’ve been doing allot of work on myself personally over the last year, really getting in touch with the little one inside of me who has felt like a victim to her circumstances. So much...

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Who says ADHD can’t be managed holistically?

Who says ADHD can’t be managed holistically?

It’s a new year and I am in a completely different place than I was last year. My last blog was January, 2015 when I was talking about my Seasonal Affective Disorder and in looking back, although not dwelled upon in the post, I was truly feeling a little funky and...

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Why an ADD Life Coach?

Why an ADD Life Coach?

Why this new journey of ADD Life Coaching? Fact is, I’ve always enjoyed the study of people and what makes them do what they do. I’ve been fascinated with this for as long as I remember. When I was 19, I discovered an audio of Zig Zigler’s and I’ve been obsessed with...

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January blues getting you down?

January blues getting you down?

Here I am writing my second blog since October, so much for blogging every month! I can hardly believe it is coming up on the end of January and I’m booking calendar items for the kids through July, craziness! I’m really in need of some me time! I don’t know about...

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